Darian Jarrott video leaked, shootout with man who shot on twitter

New video reveals a current taking pictures involving a man who murdered a New Mexico State Police officer in southern New Mexico. The video reveals the view of one other officer who was wounded by the gunfire.

The lapel video comes from Las Cruces Police Officer Adrian de La Garza, who was driving alongside I-10 in February. De La Garza was one of many officers pursuing Omar Cueva after he shot and killed Officer Darian Jarrott at a station close to Deming.


In the video, De La Garza makes a pit cease on Cueva’s truck earlier than pulling over to confront him. Cueva then opened hearth and hit the officer. The second was additionally captured on drone video.

Officer De La Garza stood up and shot Cueva. Other cops additionally opened hearth on Cueva, killing him. A gaggle of officers then helped deal with De La Garza on the scene.

Several authorities are on the scene. NMSP stated DHS requested her to assist with the investigation by arresting Cueva.

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