Cormick Scanlan: Rising Minnesota hockey player, 16, dies on Christmas after suffering series of strokes

 A rising 16-year-old Minnesota hockey player tragically died on Christmas after suffering a series of deadly strokes. Cormick Scanlan, a sophomore at Cretin-Derham Corridor, died on Sunday, December 25 in a St Paul hospital, the place he underwent emergency surgical procedure in an try to save lots of his life, the St Paul Capitals Hockey Affiliation stated in a Fb publish.

The affiliation paid a transferring tribute to the rising participant and stated “our hockey group has misplaced an awesome younger man.” Additionally they famous that Scanlan died ‘peacefully’ and ‘surrounded by household.’

The teenager had suffered an preliminary stroke on December 6 and had been hospitalized since. He was later identified with moyamoya illness, which Mayo Clinic describes as a uncommon blood vessel dysfunction through which an artery within the cranium turns into blocked or narrowed.

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