The news headline has generated mixed reactions among the Facebook users. Kindly read some of the reactions from Nigerians that commented below the news on Facebook:
Chief Priest trying so hard to protect his sister and her marriage, even to the extent of threatening his sister’s husband just wondering how he would have reacted if his wife’s brother was to do same to him. It’s all fun and game until your loved one becomes a victim.
Most of the ladies here that’s blaming her of dating him, can u all hit ur chest that presently you are not dating a married man right now, the man in question has caused it all if only he’s truthful n faithful to his wife all this wouldn’t be happening right now, did Maria asked the man out, the question is No, please make una also blame the man too, my own opinion,make no body come here to drag my comment biko.
80% of celebrities cheating n immorality is there surname the fact, even if you are aware will you let go, as long as there is cash to spend, then the guy himself abeg was the chick forced on her wetin himself find go side chick with extra tank.
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